Carrying the Mountain

Dangeboche was above the tree line but below first base camp.
The ground was hard from the cold.
There was the feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction that the journey had taken us to this remote spot in the beautiful Himalaya mountain range.
Isolated but not alone or lonely.
The paradox was evident.
We were at one and the same time small and large.
We were one with this moment in time. We were ourselves but also part of the nature fabric all around us.
As we continued our trek over the ridges and expansion bridges we realized that we can carry the mountain with us wherever we are. The spirit of these mountains can fill us when it is needed the most.
Connect to the larger story when your story feels small. You are not alone. You never have to feel lonely.
There was a timeless sense to it all. We continue to be part of the unfolding story. Yes, at any age.


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